4 replies
May 2014


:thumbsp: - Not only CAN css be refactored, if you have any love for your fellow developer, you WILL do it. :)

It never ceases to amaze me the varied topics you write on that interest me, Joe. Thanks!

1 reply
May 2014 ▶ thatrubylove


I find refactoring CSS a good way to learn about the finer points of CSS without the tyranny of the blank screen.

October 2015


hey J.B., thanks for the inspiration. I was humming and hawing about refactoring our six-year old CSS into modern SASS for a long time before finally deciding to take the jump. Took us about 100 hours but now the code is a dream to work with. Time well spent. (Wrote up our issues and workflow here: https://www.oxbridgenotes.c...

1 reply
October 2015 ▶ jackkinsella


The article looks fantastic. I can't wait to read it in depth. I'm glad that investing 100 hours gave you such a good return.